
George Paperinos Agritharakis

Dj Started as a dj in the late 80's,since then i've worked as a resident dj in the most bars and clubs in Agios Nikolaos, a very touristy place and famous holiday resort in eastern Crete.Also few places in Chersonisos and Mallia and as a guest on many places around Crete.Also some Pubs in England where i've lived different periods in the past. The music that i support comes from all around music world as soon as ther is quality in it.From classical, to ethnic to, house,it all depent on the place and the people.With respect to both of them! Always respect music and beeing very carefoul with how and what i present to my listeners,with nice melodic and harmonic progress,with start and end. Feelling blessed that i can do my hoby as a work! Playing the Piano and do some amateour music producing and writing.